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R. Buriti dos Lopes, 2040 - Monte Castelo, Teresina - PI, 64016-740


O Nissan GT-R 2017 faz hoje sua estreia no Salão Internacional do Automóvel de Nova York. O superesportivo apresenta alterações visuais, avanços na performance e novos equipamentos. São as mudanças mais marcantes feitas no modelo desde seu lançamento mundial, no Salão de Tóquio em 2007. Na dianteira, destaque para a nova grade cromada “V-Motion”, agora maior para melhorar o arrefecimento do motor. O novo capô foi significantemente reforçado, contribuindo para a estabilidade na condução em alta velocidade. Spoiler dianteiro redesenhado e para-choque com novas aberturas dão ao GT-R a aparência de um carro de corrida.

The 2017 GT-R's exterior receives a thorough makeover. The new V-motion grille, one of Nissan's latest design signatures, has been slightly enlarged to provide better engine cooling and now features a matte chrome finish and an updated mesh pattern. A new hood, featuring pronounced character lines flowing flawlessly from the grille, has been reinforced to enhance stability during high-speed driving. A freshly designed front spoiler lip and front bumpers with finishers situated immediately below the headlamps give the new GT-R the look of a pure-bred racecar, while generating high levels of front downforce.The 2017 GT-R's exterior receives a thorough makeover. The new V-motion grille, one of Nissan's latest design signatures, has been slightly enlarged to provide better engine cooling and now features a matte chrome finish and an updated mesh pattern. A new hood, featuring pronounced character lines flowing flawlessly from the grille, has been reinforced to enhance stability during high-speed driving. A freshly designed front spoiler lip and front bumpers with finishers situated immediately below the headlamps give the new GT-R the look of a pure-bred racecar, while generating high levels of front downforce.

O desenho aerodinâmico Nissan GT-R caracteriza seu perfil; as saias laterais foram alargadas para aumentar o fluxo de ar. A traseira mantém as quatro lanternas em formato de anéis que são tradição na linhagem GT-R; já as quatro saídas de escape ganham a companhia de saídas de ar laterais. Além da aparência mais esportiva, as mudanças reforçam o caráter aerodinamicamente eficaz do superesportivo japonês.

The 2017 GT-R's exterior receives a thorough makeover. The new V-motion grille, one of Nissan's latest design signatures, has been slightly enlarged to provide better engine cooling and now features a matte chrome finish and an updated mesh pattern. A new hood, featuring pronounced character lines flowing flawlessly from the grille, has been reinforced to enhance stability during high-speed driving. A freshly designed front spoiler lip and front bumpers with finishers situated immediately below the headlamps give the new GT-R the look of a pure-bred racecar, while generating high levels of front downforce.

O interior está renovado e reforça o caráter premium, com revestimentos em couro. As borboletas para trocas manuais do câmbio estão montadas no novo volante para permitir que os motoristas mudem as marchas sem ter que tirar as mãos. As borboletas, juntamente com os controles de ar-condicionado, emitem som quando utilizadas ou ajustadas.

The 2017 GT-R's exterior receives a thorough makeover. The new V-motion grille, one of Nissan's latest design signatures, has been slightly enlarged to provide better engine cooling and now features a matte chrome finish and an updated mesh pattern. A new hood, featuring pronounced character lines flowing flawlessly from the grille, has been reinforced to enhance stability during high-speed driving. A freshly designed front spoiler lip and front bumpers with finishers situated immediately below the headlamps give the new GT-R the look of a pure-bred racecar, while generating high levels of front downforce.

The 2017 GT-R's exterior receives a thorough makeover. The new V-motion grille, one of Nissan's latest design signatures, has been slightly enlarged to provide better engine cooling and now features a matte chrome finish and an updated mesh pattern. A new hood, featuring pronounced character lines flowing flawlessly from the grille, has been reinforced to enhance stability during high-speed driving. A freshly designed front spoiler lip and front bumpers with finishers situated immediately below the headlamps give the new GT-R the look of a pure-bred racecar, while generating high levels of front downforce.

O layout do sistema multimídia também foi melhorado e simplificado. A navegação integrada e os controles de áudio reduziram o número de botões de 27 para apenas 11. Um monitor ampliado e sensível ao toque, de 8 polegadas, apresenta grandes ícones na tela de exibição para torná-lo fácil de operar. Novos comandos no console central – feito em fibra de carbono – permite fácil operação.

O premiado motor 3.8 V6 Biturbo, de 24 válvulas, entrega 572 cavalos (20 a mais em relação à linha anterior) e 64,5 kgfm de torque.  Ele vem acoplado a uma transmissão de seis velocidades, de dupla embreagem, que apresenta mudanças mais suaves e menor nível de ruído.

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